The Run ~ An Inspirational Poem
The Run
My mouth is dry
And I begin to sweat.
My eyes blur
But I’m not there yet.
My head pounds
And my hands are numb
Petal to the metal
And I’m on the run.
Not running to something
Not running from anyone
Not running to escape
Just running to run.
Driving away
Leaving it behind
Heading toward a place
Where no one can find.
In search of a sanctuary
Far from home
A new area of solitude
to be alone
Running for peace
And trying to escape
Becoming something new
In a different place.
I was doing some Spring cleaning this weekend and found this in my oldest son’s things. It’s from his first year in college.
I love this! There are so many times when life seems overwhelming and I just want to get away…when things feel like they are piling up and I just need to escape. To find a Sanctuary. A shelter from life’s storms.

And you know what…sometimes that’s just what you need. Take a step back and re-evaluate what’s bothering you.
I’m not sure I’ve interpreted this correctly but that’s what it makes me think of.
So when I’m feeling overwhelmed, here’s a few things I do:
This has become my main coping mechanism. By writing down my feelings and getting them out of my head, it has helped tremendously.
Make a To-Do List
When I’m feeling overwhelmed, making a list of what I need to do makes me feel better. Similar to journaling, when it’s on paper, I can quit obsessing about it. I’m able to see it, prioritize what’s important then address it. I love crossing things off my list. It gives me a sense of accomplishment.
In addition to Go to the Grocery Store, Go to the Bank, etc., I’ll add the things that are really stressing me. Things I should be able to remember, but don’t. Like Feed the dog. Even though I walk by their dish 50 times a day, when I have a lot on my mind, I just can’t remember.
Take a Time Out
Meditate. Walk. Exercise. Take some deep breaths. Whatever you need to do.
When my anxiety is at its peak, my family understands when I say, “I need a time out”. They would much rather me take a few minutes to myself than to lose it with them.
Lastly, if all else fails, take a nap!
Once you look at your list, if it is really too much to do, ask for help. Enlist your family or friends. Get a baby sitter if necessary. There is no shame in admitting you can’t do everything.
I used to run away from things
I used to run away from things…a lot. I’m not talking about taking a step back but withdrawal. The bad thing about this is whatever you were running from will catch up with you. If you are at the point that you just can’t deal with things, find someone to talk to. A counselor, Pastor, Doctor, or a friend.

Life is not always easy. Make sure you have a support system that you can depend on.
I feel so blessed to have found this today. I’m not sure what inspired my son to write this or if it was just a random assignment, but it touched my soul and stirred my emotions. I’m proud of him. He’s smart, and sensitive, and a little too serious sometimes.
I want the world for him, and I hope he doesn’t run. But if he feels he needs to, I hope he knows he can run here.
Absolutely love this! Very inspirational.
I feel the same way! So glad I found it.
Great poem. I used to pen similar poems back in the days. Writing done our feelings and how you feel truly makes us feel better. Nice one there Carol.