Our Favorite Holiday Traditions

Each family has their own holiday traditions, some passed down from previous generations and some you’ve started on your own. As Christmas approaches, I’ve been thinking about our traditions and wondering, in my quest for a simple life, if there are any we could eliminate.
The more I think about it…I don’t think so. We’ve already lost a few.
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Here are our favorite holiday traditions:
A New Ornament Each Year
Each year I buy the kids a new ornament. This started around 20 years ago when my boys were young.

I’d purchase an ornament that reflected something they loved or had a significant meaning. It could be a favorite character, sport or something important that happened during the year.
I love it when we get the ornaments out. It’s been so much fun reminiscing about them and their meaning.
My plan was once they were old enough and had their own home, they’d take their ornaments with them.
Our oldest two boys took theirs last year and our youngest took his this year. Now their trees are full of their childhood memories.
This is probably my favorite holiday tradition.
The Bearded Rooster and I also exchange ornaments each year, which in hindsight was a good idea. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have any ornaments on our tree.
Christmas Cookies
Of course, we always made cookies for Santa, but once my daughter got old enough, it became a tradition that usually takes place the weekend before Christmas. From a young age, she has always liked to help in the kitchen. Now she and her friends make the cookies and I clean up.
I really enjoy watching and listening to them in the kitchen. Hopefully, she will carry this tradition into adulthood.
We do traditional sugar cookies and gingerbread men. Last year, we added these fun Christmas Pretzel M&M Hugs from my friend Michelle, at the Recipe Bandit and I’m going to try a new recipe she posted, Easy Peanut Butter Balls.

A Visit to Santa is a Classic Holiday Tradition
When the kids were little, a picture with Santa was a must. Recently it’s usually a family pic of us around the tree with our PJs on.
It’s been years since we’ve done this holiday tradition so I tried to get my daughter to go see Santa but it was a no go! I think her exact words were “How stupid. I’m too old. ” Really?! Do you ever get too old? So, I took Sugar instead. She was such a good girl and I’m sure she’s on the Nice List.
Adopt an Angel
I started this when my daughter was young. We always tried to adopt a child that was her age. She would help me shop and pick things out for her Angel. She enjoys giving back and I hope this has taught her a good lesson.
Now that she’s older (15), it’s harder to find an Angel around her age but this year we adopted a 13-year-old and have had the best time shopping. Our Angel wanted anything that smelled good, which is right up my little Chicky’s alley. Bath and Body Works got a lot of our money.
The Nutcracker

A few years ago a friend from High School’s child was one of the mice in the Nutcracker. We decided to go see it and added this to our yearly holiday traditions.
Originally, we’d rent a hotel room across from the venue, get ready, and walk across to the Ballet. Afterward, we’d get room service and enjoy a quiet evening. The last few years, my little Chicky, has been busy with friends so we no longer do the hotel room but we haven’t missed the show yet! I hope we continue this for a long time.
Matching PJs
After dinner on Christmas Eve, the kids exchange gifts with each other and open one present from me. It’s their Christmas PJs. This year I announced that I wasn’t going to buy pajamas and I was surprised by all their responses. Everyone wanted PJs again!
Family Game Night

After opening their pajamas, the kids get comfortable and we have a family game night. I’m usually good for one or two games, then the kids will settle into a game of Monopoly.
We always played Monopoly when the boys were younger, but now I can’t stay up that late.
I love playing games with the kids and we try to do this frequently.
Some of my favorites are Phase 10, Pictionary, Heads Up, and Clue. We’ve also done Cranium, Apples to Apples, and Cards Against Humanity.
When they were younger, we played Candy Land, Trouble, and Hi Ho Cherry-O. It’s nice to put electronics away and connect face to face.
Of course, you can’t get through the holidays without food. On Christmas morning, I make my Simple Breakfast Casserole. Surprisingly I’m always up before the kids, so I mix it up and put in the oven. Once they are done opening presents, it’s ready. Perfect!
Christmas evening, we go to my Mother-in-law’s house for Prime Rib. Yum!! Growing up my family did a repeat of Thanksgiving, which was awesome, but I love the prime rib tradition.
Old Holiday Traditions
Elf on the Shelf

I love Elf on the Shelf. Our daughter’s Elf, Dottie, always came the night we put our tree up, normally the weekend after Thanksgiving. I would purchase a different outfit each year and our daughter couldn’t wait!. Now, the Bearded Rooster was not crazy about Dottie’s return! I’m usually the first to go to sleep at night so he would get stuck with moving her. Although, he came up with some great ideas!
My parents used to take the kids to look at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve then they would go get ice cream. I always utilized this time to finish wrapping presents. It was so helpful and saved me from being up half the night. This is one of the boy’s favorite memories.
As our kids grow up and our family changes, I know we will lose some of these traditions. So, for now, I’m just going to hang on to the ones I have and maybe one day, I’ll be taking the grandkids out on Christmas Eve.