Will Opossum eat Chickens?

Although not their first choice in meals, an opossum will eat chickens. Their diet mainly consists of eating insects, rodents, plants, fruit, and grain. They will also eat trash, dog or cat food and they are known for eating skeletal remains of dead animals, which are high in calcium.
One of the most beneficial things is the number of ticks, which can carry illnesses, they eat. It is believed that one opossum can eat up to 5,000 ticks a year.
It’s not uncommon, after spending the weekend in the country, for us to come home with several ticks each. We try to be diligent about using bug repellent but sometimes we still come home with one. Lyme disease is a big concern.
We haven’t seen opossum on our land, probably because we aren’t out late at night. I’ve thought about trying to bring some in, but with the coyotes and other predators, they may not survive. When relocating animals, they can become a threat to the existing wildlife in the area, causing territorial issues.
Opossums are nocturnal. They sleep in burrows, fallen trees, crawl spaces under homes, or dens in wooded areas.
They are generally docile and not aggressive unless trapped or cornered. Juveniles will hiss and adults will “play possum.” This is a reflex and generally can’t be controlled. They will foam at the mouth and even smell dead. It can take up to four hours to recover from this trance-like state.
I saw an opossum the other night scurrying into my neighbor’s bushes. At first, I thought it was a small cat but then I saw the tail. My mind jumped to a rat but it was too big. Even though they resemble rats, they are not related at all. Opossums are marsupials and related to kangaroo and koala.

Opposum will have two litters of babies a year.
The gestation is only 13 days then the babies move into the mother’s pouch. They will live there for 2-3 months.
The opossum’s lifespan is generally short somewhere between one and two years.
Their poop resembles that of a small dog or cat.
Fun fact: male opossum are called Jacks and females are Jills. The babies are referred to as Joeys.
How to Keep Opossum Away
- Like with most predators, pick up any remaining feed, including dog or cat food.
- Secure feed in a container that can’t be easily opened.
- Check the ground for any remaining food, including fruit fallen off of trees.
- Remove brush piles.
- Add motion-sensor lights.
- Keep a radio on.
- Add a livestock guardian dog.
Should You Get Rid of an Opossum?
I’ve always heard that opossum can carry rabies. After some research, I learned that it’s extremely rare. The opossum’s body temperature, which runs between 94-97 degrees Fahrenheit, is too low for the virus to survive.
Opossum will dig up your yard looking for grubs and other insects and damage garden areas. Many cities and counties will provide live traps plus help you relocate them.
We have been overrun lately with opossum due to the new construction going on in our area. Our dogs have killed three in our backyard in the last month. While I don’t believe in killing animals without cause, I definitely don’t want them hurting my chickens.
Opossum are really good for the ecosystem but can easily become a nuisance. With Sugar, our Great Pyrenees, the girls are safe. For now, I’m just going to let them be and hope, for their sake, they don’t come into the yard.