Signs that you may be a crazy chicken lady

You’ve brought your fluffy bundles of joys home and you are in love. You care for your chickens, make them special treats, and talk about them all day. You are obsessed with these little balls of fluff. So, at what point have you become a crazy chicken lady?

Here are some signs that you may be a crazy chicken lady:

simple life sitting with chickens
  1. All your chickens have names and you know their likes and dislikes.  
  2. You buy special treats for your chickens. It’s not enough that you provide feed, clean water, and scraps but you also purchase mealworms (live or dried), crickets, or other treats that you can’t purchase at the grocery store. 
  3. You spend more on supplements and treats for your chickens than you do yourself. At the end of the month, when you are working on your budget, you realize you’ve spent more on the chickens than yourself.  Whoops!
  4. You allocate part of your budget for your chickens. (I call it “other” but I know it’s for the chickens.)
  5. You buy special treats for your chickens and your family isn’t allowed to eat them. We have a separate drawer in the refrigerator for the chicken treats. It includes fruit, veggies, hot dogs, corn on the cob. 
  6. When you plan your garden, you include things you will grow for the chickens. 
  7. You are constantly having your husband build something for the chickens. Herb just built a new gate to keep Jax out of the garden so the chickens could enjoy free-ranging without him chasing them. Plus I have a bench on his to-do list and a chic-nic table that I want him to build. 
  8. You spend more money remodeling the coop than on your house. There are some amazing coops out there. If this hasn’t happened to you yet, it will soon. 
  9. All your decor is chicken-related. You have signs, pictures, lamps, salt and pepper shakers, a butter dish, kitchen towels, canisters, clocks, mugs, jewelry. This list is endless. 
  10. When your husband asks about your day, you immediately start talking about something the chickens did. 
  11. You talk to everyone about your chickens. It’s only when you notice their eyes have glazed over that you stop talking about chickens. 
  12. The best part of your day is when you sit outside with your chickens, talking to them (and maybe drinking wine).  
  13. When your chicks sleep outside for the first time, you check on them every 30 minutes. You may even set an alarm for the middle of the night to go check on them. 
  14. When you take family photos you include the chickens. Well, of course, they are part of the family. 
  15. You have more pics on your phone of your chickens than your kids. Jax and Sugar are a close second. 
  16. You find random chicken feathers in your house.
  17. When your chickens are molting, you use their feathers for arts and crafts. 
  18. You notice every chicken in a tv show or movie. It’s amazing how many chickens are in the background.
  19. Your friends know exactly what to get you for your birthday or Christmas. You are the easiest person to buy for – Anything chicken!
  20. You have plenty of chickens but come up with reasons why you need to add more.
  21. You’ve heard of chicken math and completely understand it. . We lost two chickens this year and of course replaced them with four. 
  22. You celebrate your chicken’s birthday with a special treat. 
  23. You got chickens only for the eggs but have kept them way beyond their prime laying years. 
  24. Regardless of the warnings from the CDC, you cuddle and kiss your chickens. 
  25. The ultimate sign that you are a crazy chicken lady: You have a house chicken. 
Crazy chicken lady

So, I didn’t intend on being a crazy chicken lady. I didn’t even want the chickens. It took Herb three years to convince me that we needed them and now I can’t imagine my life without them. 

I won’t say how many of these signs apply to me but I’ll just say it only took me a few minutes to write this blog post. 

How many of these signs can you relate to? If only a couple, you are in the beginning stages of becoming a crazy chicken lady. There’s still time for an intervention.  More than half, you might as well just embrace it. 

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