I’ve written many posts touching on the benefits of backyard chickens but not a true “Why Raise Backyard Chickens.” Food Source For us, first and foremost, it’s for a food source. With the uncertainty of the economy, having a food…
Last year more people started raising backyard chickens than in years past. If you are considering raising chickens, you may be wondering what type of backyard chicken is best. First, you need to decide why you want backyard chickens. The…
Your home from the farm store and it’s time to get busy setting up your brooder for baby chicks. If you don’t have a broody hen, chicks need a brooder – a heated house of some sort. There are many…
Are you thinking about getting backyard chickens? More people have backyard chickens now than ever before. If you are new to purchasing chickens, there are a few things you should look for when buying baby chicks. What should you look…
I swore I was not going to buy a chick with Pasty Butt. My husband and I are smarter now than when we first bought chicks two years ago. But guess what? That’s right – Chicken Butt or Pasty Butt.…
In my previous blogs, I’ve talked a little bit about adding chicks to your flock. Hazel, our Wyandotte, is broody so we’ve decided to get a few chicks for her to raise. Before introducing chicks to your flock, there are…
So, you’ve decided to get baby chicks. Where do you start? What do you need? If you are in the city limits, check your local ordinances. Some cities, like ours, do not allow roosters. Your local feed store or Tractor…
Day One with the chickens – How we got started! This post contains affiliate links. I may earn money from a qualifying purchase with no additional cost to you. My name is Carol. I’m a crazy chicken lady. I live in…